

The Government of Ontario has implemented a stay-at-home order for the entire province. We have received numerous calls and messages asking what this changes in terms of our ability to operated our business.

The short answer is it changes nothing.

We are still allowed to operate, as an essential service, under the same restrictions as before the new order:

  • All dealership visits must have a pre-booked appointment
  • You must self-assess and declare you are cleared to enter the building
  • Parts purchases must be done on the phone and picked-up curb-side at our delivery door
  • All safety protocols such as cleaning, sanitizing, limiting test-drives, wearing masks etc, continue

We are taking every pro-active step possible to keep our staff and customers safe. We have regular discussions on the ongoing need to be vigilant, ensuring that by constantly reminding everyone, our staff remain sharp and compliant.

It does lead to a slightly different customer experience. Things move slower. The whole process takes longer. Before we used to jump in and out of cars as needed. Now everything must be properly disinfected. These extra steps add extra time.

But all our clients and potential clients have been amazing. Your patience and understanding are so very much appreciated. And we are so grateful for your continued support.

We’ll end on that note, but with one more rallying cry. Please find ways to support all our local businesses. Many aren’t open to in-store traffic but are willing to assist via curbside or delivery. Please take a moment before making a purchase to think if a local store could sell you what you need and take just a few extra minutes to call and find out if they could help you.

Small businesses are the lifeblood of every community. Helps ours if you can.

Much love,

Badanai Motors